Vortrag bei der REFSQ 2014 in Essen

Titel: „Pre-Sales Requirements Engineering based on Miller Heiman’s Sales Approach
Veranstaltung: 20. International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ) – 2014
Workshop: RE4P2’14: 1st International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for the Precontract Phase (half-day), Axel Kalenborn and Marcus Trapp
Am: 7.April 2014
Um: 16.30-17.00 Uhr
Ort: ATLANTIC Congress Hotel Messe Essen.

Workshop Abstract: Before a software project is officially started, there is a stage that has not received much consideration in the requirements engineering literature: the precontract or bidding stage. Part of a bid is a cost estimate that should be as precise as possible. During the bidding stage, bidders are not being paid while competing with each other, i.e., they have to work under great pressure of time, success and cost. As the costs of common requirements engineering (RE) methods are often considered to be too high, these methods are typically not used at this early stage. This workshop aims at discussing and elaborating new ideas to improve RE in this stage.

Abstract: Requirements engineering (RE) is not only part of the process while delivering or creating a service or product. In the pre-sales phase, RE activities play an important role during the offer preparation. Although this sounds like business as usual there is a major difference: the pre-sales phase entails challenges (e.g., a limited duration or the contractor’s pre-investment) having a tremendous impact on all of these activities. However, from a project manager’s perspective these challenges are nothing but risks—in the pre-sales phase usually addressed best by sales approaches like Miller Heiman’s. The latter appears to be even more interesting since it uses requirements engineering strategies to mitigate other typical sale’s risks. Therefore a joint approach appears not only feasible but worth a try. Conducting a risk analysis of the pre-sales phase and examining the performance of this joint approach reveals how well the two fit together.

REQFS 2014 WS Proceedings: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1138/



Christoph Oemig
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