Vortrag beim 5th European BA Day 2024

Titel: Shift-Left: About the Potential of a New Pathway for BAs to Engage With Automation and AI
Veranstaltung: 5th European BA Day, https://www.ba-day.com

Am: 16.05.2024
Um: 14.00 Uhr
Ort: Virtuell

Abstract. A shift left from an engineering perspective originally meant to move testing activities to earlier stages of the development process. Nowadays, it also means using engineering tools and processes as early as possible in the delivery chain. Here, it affects business analysts and their way of working while at the same time introducing an entirely new pathway to integrate with further tools as part of a CI/CD pipeline. This presentation briefly explains the shift-left approach and how it opens the door for automation and AI on BA artefacts.

Christoph Oemig
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